Gilbert Miller


Gilbert is a member of the family’s 5th generation, the great-great-grandson of W.C. Bradley. He has been chair since 2014, and he is passionate about place-based grant-making and systems change. He is a past board chair of Philanthropy Southeast, and he currently sits on the boards of the Georgia Grantmakers Alliance and the National Center for Family Philanthropy. A native of Columbus, he has seen his community do big things together, and he believes that even bigger and better things lie in store.


Jennifer Bickerstaff


Jennifer is an attorney and a senior family office advisor for the foundation. She brings several decades of legal and philanthropy management experience to the board, providing insight, counsel, and practical next steps for complex grant-making decisions and impact investments.


Phyllis Wagner

Relationship manager/Administrator

Phyllis has been a part of the Bradley-Turner Foundation for over 25 years. She was the administrator under Bill Turner and Tom Black, and she has overseen over $150 million in grants since her arrival. She conducts site visits, manages meeting, and collaborates with partner organizations to help their requests arrive, ready-to-shine, at the board table.